2주간의 의료 과학 및 의사 셰도잉 프로그램
미래의 의료인을 위한 특별한 경험!
의학 및 의료 과학에 관심이 있는 고등학생 (토플 80점 이상 -영어로 진행)
수료증 발급 (대입 및 의대 준비 시 활용 가능)
2주 / 300만원(항공권 제외) /
필리핀 대학병원
ㆍ셰도잉 프로그램 비용 ㆍ숙박&식사
한국에서 개별 출국하시면 필리핀 공항에서 병원까지 안전하게 안내합니다.
의료 윤리와 기초 지식 (30시간) (병원 투어, 내과 및 소아과 셰도잉, 의료 윤리 워크숍, 기본 진단 기술 훈련)
심화 셰도잉 및 연구 프로젝트 (30시간) (심장학, 병리학 셰도잉, 의료 연구 프로젝트, 글로벌 의료 이슈 토론 및 최종 발표)
09:00–10:00 | Orientation (Program goals, schedule overview, rules introduction) |
10:00–12:00 | Hospital tour and department introductions (with healthcare professional interviews) |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch |
13:00–14:30 | Workshop: Medical ethics (patient confidentiality, treatment prioritization) |
14:30–16:00 | Medical communication skills training |
09:00–11:00 | Internal medicine shadowing (observing patient diagnosis and case studies) |
11:00–12:30 | Lecture: Basics of anatomy and physiology |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Workshop: Understanding diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes) |
15:00–16:00 | Discussion and Q&A |
09:00–11:00 | Surgery shadowing (observing outpatient cases and minor procedures) |
11:00–12:30 | Diagnostic skills workshop (using stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, etc.) |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Medical device usage lecture and practice |
15:00–16:00 | Brainstorming for week one project topics |
09:00–11:00 | Emergency room shadowing (triage and observing emergency case management) |
11:00–12:30 | CPR and first aid training |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Workshop: Problem-solving in medical scenarios |
15:00–16:00 | Feedback and Q&A |
09:00–11:00 | Pediatrics shadowing (observing consultations and patient care) |
11:00–12:30 | Chart reading and medical record documentation workshop |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Weekly review and project preparation |
15:00–16:00 | Practice presentations |
09:00–12:00 | Community healthcare volunteering experience |
09:00–11:00 | Cardiology shadowing (observing patient management for cardiovascular diseases) |
11:00–12:30 | Lecture: Cardiovascular system and practical training |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Case study discussion: Heart diseases |
15:00–16:00 | Team project work |
09:00–11:00 | Pediatrics shadowing (child development and common diseases) |
11:00–12:30 | Lecture: Pediatric diseases and growth development |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Medical communication practice (parent-patient conversations) |
15:00–16:00 | Mid-project presentation preparation |
09:00–11:00 | Pathology lab experience (blood testing and tissue analysis) |
11:00–12:30 | Medical research lecture (study design and data analysis) |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Data analysis for research projects |
15:00–16:00 | Presentation rehearsal |
09:00–11:00 | Public health simulation (team discussions and strategy development) |
11:00–12:30 | Global healthcare issues lecture |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Final project preparation |
15:00–16:00 | Rehearsal and feedback |
09:00–11:00 | Final project presentations and feedback |
11:00–12:30 | Program review and certificate ceremony |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–15:00 | Career guidance and networking session |
15:00–16:00 | Closing remarks and social activity |
09:00–11:00 | Community health campaign participation |
Week1 | 30 hours (Introductory learning and shadowing) |
Week2 | 30 hours (Advanced shadowing and project focus) |
Total | 60 hours |
※ 이 프로그램은 이론적인 의학 지식, 실습 경험, 그리고 과학적 탐구를 균형 있게 결합하여 학생들이 의료 및 과학 분야에 대한 관심과 역량을 심화할 수 있도록 돕습니다.
진로탐색 | 의학 분야를 직접 체험하며 미래의 목표를 구체화할 수 있습니다. |
입학 경쟁력 강화 | 실제 셰도잉 경험과 연구 프로젝트 참여로 차별화된 스토리를 만들 수 있습니다. |
글로벌 역량 개발 | 의료와 과학의 실무적이고 국제적인 관점을 배우는 기회! |
추천서 | 필리핀 대학병원 의과 교수님 추천서를 받을 수 있음! |
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